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Year 6: Reaching the Summit: Everest Exploration

Everest Exploration Facts

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First Men to Summit Mt Everest

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay after successfully completing the first ascent of Mount Everest
Image source: Jamling Tenzing Norgay / Wikimedia Commons

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  • A New Zealand mountaineer and explorer who reached the summit of Mount Everest with Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay on 29 May 1953
  • Climbed ten other mountains after Mount Everest, all of which are also in the Himalayas
  • Knighted shortly after the expedition returned to England
  • Improved the welfare of the Himalayan peoples of Nepal, built schools, hospitals and airfields for the Sherpas
  • Hillary was made an honorary citizen of Nepal in 2003
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  • A Nepali-Indian Sherpa mountaineer who reached Mount Everest's summit with mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary
  • Joined his first mountain expedition as a porter at 19 years old
  • Regarded as a legendary hero by many Nepalese and Indians and received awards such as the George Medal and the Star of Nepal
  • Founded Tenzing Norgay Adventures, a company providing trekking adventures in the Himalayas, which is now run by his son Jamling Tenzing Norgay

Other Famous Everest Climbers

Junko Tenbei, the first woman to summit Mount Everest
Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Click on the links below to learn more about famous Mount Everest climbers: