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Year 5 - Space : Breaking Boundaries: The Solar System

Solar System (Glossary)

Any of the eight celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, that revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits and are lit by light from the sun.

Solar System
The system containing the sun and the bodies held in its gravity field, including the planets, the dwarf planets, the asteroids, and comet.

The star at the centre of our solar system. It is a body made of gas (gaseous), in which energy is generated by thermonuclear reactions. Distance from earth: 149.6 million km.

The curved path, usually elliptical, followed by a planet, satellite, comet, etc, in its movement around another celestial body under the influence of gravity.

Dwarf Planet
Any celestial body within the solar system that is larger than a satellite but smaller than a planet, and that orbits the sun.

The natural satellite of the earth. Distance from earth: 384, 400 km.

Information retrieved from on 10/01/2022 

BBC Interactive Infographic - How big is space?

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