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KS3 History - The Black Death (1348 - 1350) & The Peasants' Revolt (1381): Revision Guide & Resources

A guide to resources on The Black Death and The Peasants' Revolt for your Year 7 History course, compiled by your librarians.

Non Fiction Books

Fiction Books

Audio/Video Books

Key Questions


   In this page, you can find articles to guide your exams, key dates to remember, books in the Senior Library (fiction, non fiction, audio/video), plus quizzes, interactive diagramsgames and activities to test your knowledge on the topics. You can also explore the following key questions:

Key Dates

    • 54 BC Julius Caesar fails in attempt to invade Britain

    • 43 AD Romans invade Britain

    • 60 AD Queen Boudica fails in revolt against the Romans

    • 122-133 AD Hadrian's Wall built

    • 409 AD Last Roman soldiers leave Britain

    • 4th January 1066 Edward the Confessor dies

    • 6th January 1066 Harold Godwinson crowned King of England

    • April 1066 Haley's Comet spotted over England

    • 25th September 1066 Battle of Stamford Bridge

    • 28th September 1066 Normans land at Pevensey

    • 14th October 1066 Battle of Hastings

    • Christmas Day 1066 William crowned King of England

    • 1348 - 1350 Black Death Struct England

    • 1381 Peasants' Revolt

What is chronology? How are dates and centuries worked out?

AD & BC   

   Chronology means "the arrangement of events in the order of their occurrence".  In other words, it means putting historical happenings into the order in which they took place.

   The meaning of AD is  Anno Domini or Year of our Lord referring to the year of Christ’s birth.   The meaning of BC is  Before Christ.  CE is a recent term.  It refers to Common Era and is used in place of AD. The dates are the same ie 2009 AD is 2009 CE.  BCE means Before Common Era.  For example 400 BC is 400 BCE. 

   Century = 1 more than how many hundreds of years
   For example, the 15th century is all 14 hundred years (1400s)

   Practice the following quiz to test your knowledge on centuries and dates!


 Source of evidence

   This year you will be tackling SOURCES - snippets of information from the time of historical events such as, eyewitness accounts, paintings and artefacts like coins. When looking at sources, it is important to consider the three letters N.O.P:

Nature: What form does the source take, is it a diary, photo, letter, speech, cartoon, etc.?

Origin: where or who did the source come from, when was it produced?

Purpose: was the person who produce the source trying to inform or were they trying to persuade somebody about something, or trying to put over a one sided point of view?

Find out the ideas to answer source style questions from the following presentation!

What are sources? What to do with sources?

Source questions


A historian will ask a variety of questions in order to find out historical information about a source. The six key questions can be asked of either a Primary Source (something that originates from the past) or a Secondary Source (something that has been made recently about the past).


   The limitations of some sources are that they are often restricted and affected by the knowledge, attitude and culture of the originating individual.  Accounts and overviews often contain the risks of authorial bias. However, using multiple primary sources can help add extra layers of selection, emphasis and interpretation and reduce to a minimum levels of assumptions and value judgements.


Feudal System Quiz


How well have you understood feudalism? Fill in the missing words then check your answers.

choose the correct word from the drop down menu.

The Feudal System was introduced into England by .

Under the Feudal System, the King

He kept one quarter for himself, gave some to the Church and rented the rest out to .

In return they had to provide the King with .

The Barons kept some land for themselves and rented the rest out to  .

In return they had to provide the Barons with .

The Knights kept some land for themselves and rented the rest out to  .

In return they had to provide .

The richest person in the land was . The poorest people in the land were

Press the FINISHED button when you have completed all of the answers.


Interactive diagrams

