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Respect and Relationships Online - Top Tips

Watch the video to find out more about how students thinks technology can make a difference, influence others and create change online.

Cyberbullying in Games and Social Media

Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic forms of contact. Cyber-bullying has become increasingly common on the internet. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors about a person, threats, disclose victims' personal information, or excluding them from school or class groups on social media or deleting them from friendship lists. 

Top tips for dealing with cyber bullying:

  1. Don't Reply - Don’t reply to messages that harass or annoy you
  2. Keep the message - You don’t have to read it, but keep the evidence.
  3. Block the sender - Don’t put up with someone harassing you.
  4. Tell someone you trust - Talk to your parents, friends, and a teacher you trust or a guidance counsellor.
  5. Report problems - Report problems to the people who can do something about it.

Sharing personal Infomation online

(Image source:

Once you post something online, it’s there forever and you have no control over who sees your information or photos. Therefore you really need to think about what you share online. Sharing your pictures and thoughts can be a fun way of communicating and getting things off your chest. However, sharing too much personal information can result in you being hacked or the subject of a scam. It can also put you at risk of being cyber bullied in a more personal and hurtful way.

Tips for sharing information online:

  1. Remember once you post something online, it’s there forever and you have no control over who sees your information or photos 
  2. Think before you share personal information online 
  3. Take the time to understand the privacy settings on your social networking service accounts
  4. The Granny Rule is useful when trying to decide if a picture should be shared online. If you wouldn’t show a picture to your granny then it probably shouldn’t be online!

What information can I trust online?


One of the best parts about going online is learning new things. But did you know that not everything online is true? Why is some information unreliable? Click on the link below to learn more:

Scam Busters - Interactive Game

Can you help Liam and his family decide if they are being scammed? Click on the link below to help them:

What to do in a difficult online situation

Students share what to do when faced with a difficult situation online: