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Finding out about Faith: Islam

Books In the Library

A journey through life in Islam

Explores important events in the life of a follower of Islam.

I am Muslim

I am Muslim follows Aaliyah as she talks about her faith. She tells us about her: family, mosque, beliefs, worship, books, clothes and food.

Visiting a mosque

Shows what to look for in a mosque and explains how the building and artifacts can help visitors understand Muslim beliefs about Allah, the prophet Muhammad, Muslim prayer practices, and the Qur'an.


Explore the world of Islam and discover how the Prophet Muhammad started one of the most popular religions in the world. Explore its history, find out about its famous followers and learn about Muslim beliefs, traditions and colourful festivals. 

Celebrate Ramadan & Eid al-Fitr

Ramadan is a month-long holiday when Muslims around the world come together to celebrate faith, family, and community. Each day adults fast from sunrise to sunset. Everyone studies the teachings of the prophet Mohammed and reads the holy book, the Qur'an. People spend time with loved ones and share their good fortune with those who are in need.

Eid al-Adha

One of the most important days of the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Adha is a celebration of Ibrahim's devotion to God. Today, Muslims mark the occasion with a feast shared with people in their community. This fascinating book highlights the customs of this special religious holiday, including the clothing, prayers, food, and gifts.

1001 inventions & awesome facts from Muslim civilization

We often think that people from a thousand years ago were living in the Dark Ages. But from the 7th century onward in Muslim civilization there were amazing advances and inventions that still influence our everyday lives. 

Going to Mecca

Come with one Muslim family as they travel from the West to Mecca to perform the sacred pilgrimage, the Hajj. Join them as they circle the Ka'bah and quench their thirst with sacred water, go out into the desert and pray on Mount Arafat, following in the footsteps of the prophets - and discover all about this joyful journey of a lifetime. A beautiful and lyrical introduction to the Hajj, one of the most important pillars of the Muslim faith. 

Muslim festivals

This book looks at the festivals and holidays Muslims celebrate, how people worship and the importance of belonging to the religion. There is a fun, easy-to-make festival-related craft activity at the end of each title. 

Amazing Muslims who changed the world

Do you think you know who first thought of the theory of evolution? Have you ever wondered who created the oldest university in the world? If so, then you need this stunningly illustrated treasure trove of iconic and hidden amazing Muslim heroes! 

In my mosque

This joyful book invites everyone - worshippers and newcomers alike - to step inside and meet warm, welcoming mosque communities all across the world. Join young Muslim children, their families and friends, as they learn, pray, eat, help others ... and play! 

What is Islam's holy book?

       Image source: BBC Bitesize

The Qur'an, sometimes spelled Koran, is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an is considered by Muslims to be "The Word of Allah (God)". Muslims believe the Qur'an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel in a cave on the mountain of Hira in Mecca, and then over a period of twenty-three years until his death. There are 30 parts in the Qur'an, which make 114 "suras" (chapters). Each sura has a different number of verses. 

What is Halal food?

The word halal in Arabic. It is used as a visual marker for Muslims in restaurants, shops and on products.
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Halal is an Arabic word for ‘permissible’ or ‘lawful’. In other words, it is permissible for food consumption. Muslims have strict rules of what they can and cannot eat.

A worker preparing his food stand that serves halal food, New York City
Image source: Britannica School

On the other hand, Halal certified means audits and checks have been done by a certification body to ensure that the establishment is Halal-compliant. In Singapore, Halal Certification is regulated by Muis.

What is Islam?

Muslim pilgrims pray around the Kaaba, the shrine at the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Islam is the world’s second biggest religion, with about 1.75 billion followers worldwide. All of its teachings and beliefs are written out in the Qur’an, the holy scripture of Islam. The basic belief of Islam is that there is only one God, whose name in the Arabic language is Allah, and who is the sole and sovereign ruler of the universe. Believers of Islam are called Muslims which means "submitter to God". They believe that the Qur’an was spoken to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, and that it is the word of God (or Allah).  They view Muhammad as a prophet and messenger of God. Other beliefs and rules about what Muslims should do come from reports of what Muhammad taught called hadith. 

Muslims have 6 main beliefs:

  1. Belief in Allah as the one and only God.
  2. Belief in the angels.
  3. Belief in the holy book (Qur’an).
  4. Belief in the Prophets (God’s messengers). e.g. Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Isa (Jesus). Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final prophet.
  5. Belief in the Day of Judgement. The day when the life of every human being will be assessed to decide whether they go to heaven or hell. Belief in Predestination.
  6. That Allah has already decided what will happen. Muslims believe that this doesn't stop human beings making free choices.

Who is the founder of Islam?

Portrait of Prophet Muhammad, Imam 'Ali and His Sons and His Closest Companions by Rahim Kashani, 1883
Image source:

The founder of Islam was Muhammad, a prophet who received messages from Allah (God). These messages were collected into a holy book called the Qurʾan, which continues to serve as the guideline for the faith. Muhammad was also known for his role in creating a union of Arab tribes by bringing them together under Islam.

Where do Muslims worship?

The Sultan mosque also known as Masjid Sultan in Singapore
Image source:

The Muslim building for communal worship is called a mosque. Muslims often refer to the mosque by its Arabic name, masjid. The word comes from the Arabic for "place of prostration". Very often Mosques have a domed roof and a tall tower called a minaret. Muslims are called to prayer from the minaret. The man who who enters the minaret and calls them to prayer is called a muezzin. Imams lead worship in a mosque and are important community figures.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Image source: Quran Ayat Institute

These are five duties that every Muslim is obliged to perform. The five pillars of Islam help Muslims put their faith into action:

  1. Shahadah (the declaration of faith) -The declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and His messenger (peace be upon him).
  2. Salah (daily prayer) - Muslims are required to pray five times a day, washing themselves before prayer and facing in the direction of Mecca while praying.
  3. Zakat (giving a fixed proportion to charity) -  The act of giving a portion of a Muslim’s wealth to those in need.
  4. Saum (fasting during the month of Ramadan) -  During this time, Muslims reflect on their behaviour and strive to purify their thoughts while fasting from dawn to dusk.
  5. Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) - The sacred pilgrimage to Mecca required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime if it is within their means.

Watch this video to find out more about Salah, the daily prayers for Muslims.
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Symbol of Islam

Image source:

It is widely believed that the crescent moon and star is an internationally-recognized symbol of Islam. This circular figure appears on the top of the minarets and domes of a great number of Islamic worship places around the world.

Muslim Festivals

There are two major holidays celebrated by Muslims around the world:

Eid-ul-Fitr (Id-ul-Fitr)
Eid-ul-Fitr is the festival for the first day after Ramadan. It marks the breaking of the fast for Muslims at the end of Ramadan. It is celebrated for one day in many Arab nations and 30 days in the Malayan peninsular (this includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore).

Eid-ul-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice)
Eid ul-Adha takes place 70 days after Eid-al-Fitr. It is to remember the time when Abraham was going to sacrifice his own son to prove obedience to God and marks the end of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Lasting 4 days, Muslims who are able to perform qurban (sacrifice), will slaughter an animal – a goat, sheep, cow or camel. The slaughtered meat is then shared within family, friends and the poor.

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