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How to search a database: ProQuest

How to find the information you need in our database.

ProQuest database

Senior Library subscribes the ProQuest Central Student‎ (1980 - current) database which brings together many of the most important, complete databases in the most-studied subject areas, including science, technology, education, social sciences, humanities, and news.

Use the searchbox below to search through collections of scholarly journals, videos & audio, dissertations & theses, magazines and more..

How to search ProQuest

ProQuest Basic Search provides general search fuctions across all platform databases. You can search All source types or choose to limit your search by a source type such as Scholarly Journals, Videos & Audio, Dissertations & Theses and others that are available through the More menu. Additionally, you can limit your search to items containing Full text and Peer Reviewed items to only find documents reviewed by subject matter experts. 

Your search can include operators, wildcard characters and truncation characters to create more precise searches. Search Tips are provided to learn more. Search terms, including fields and operators, are not case sensitive.

The following training video teaches how to use Basic Search functions. 

ProQuest Advance Search performs a more detailed search using the pull-down menu with supported field codes (eg. title, author, subject, etc.) as well as applying additional filters such as publication date range, source/document type and languages. Users can also specify result display format.

ProQuest Publication Search page lists all publications in all currently selected databases. You can search for one or more publications. Your search will return matches on both current publication titles and their as-available historical titles. From Publication Search results, users will be able to view the latest available issue, search within publications as well as set up alert and RSS feed for publications. 

How to filter search results

In the search result page, users can select the filter options from the left side panel to filter the search results, such as source type, publication date, subject heads, document type, language, publication title etc. 

The following video provides detail training on how to filter search results.

Official Help & Support

You can also get full help and support information by clicking the  on the top right side of the search page.

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